
Teach to learn while learning to teach.


  • IEOR 253/CEE 258 Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Spring 2023
    • Instructor ratings: 6.80/7.00 (Department Average: 6.06)
    • Ph.D./Master course for IEOR and CEE departments.
    • Enrollment: 35.
    • The majority of students are from MAnalytics program. Others are from M.Eng., M.S. and Ph.D programs.

Selected Student Testimonials

- I really learn a lot from this course. This is the best course I have ever taken in industry engineering. Maybe I won’t give up it if I take this course earlier.
- Notes are fairly well organized and detailed. I liked that there was separate written lecture notes that was a lot more detailed as compared to the lecture slides which helps with understanding on technical details.
- She creates very straightforward and creative slides that help understand the topic faster and easier. I also appreciate how she elaborates each example.
- Instructor Yunduan always encouraged questions and explained the answers in detail.
- Yunduan is great! Always willing to listen to students’ feedback and make reasonable adjustments accordingly.

Graduate Student Instructor

  • E 120 Principles of Engineering Economics, Fall 2021
    • Undergraduate course for College of Engineering.
    • Enrollment: 138.
    • Students include B.S. from 11 departments (e.g., Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering, and IEOR, etc.) and B.A. from 5 departments (e.g., Data Science, Economics and Statistics, etc.).
  • IEOR 242 Applications in Data Analytics, Fall 2020 & Spring 2020
    • M.Eng. course for IEOR and Graduate Certificate in Applied Data Science.
    • Enrollment: 70 & 50.